Spatial Dynamics
Syllabus Spring 2020
Scale and Proportion - Cardboard Project
****Final Forms Due: April 14th - Zoom Critique 1:30(EST)
Video Demonstration:
Demonstration Images of Crocheted Cardboard:
Demonstration Images of Finished/Dried Bowl Casting:
Video on Cardboard Installation Project:
Video on Ephemeral Cardboard Bernini Sculpture:
Harmony & Gestalt - Timed Exercise - Thursday April 16th
Review the Slides, watch the videos below, and reread the Harmony and Gestalt Rubric in preparation for class time on Thursday.
You will be given a specific set of rules via email and have from 1:15 - 3:45pm (EST) on Thursday April 16th to complete this exercise. By 4pm(EST) on the 16th you will email images of your work for upload.
Powerpoint Slides for H&G:
Rules List for Timed Exercise on H&G:
** For Thursday by the End of Class**
1.) Forms must be repeating/serial in nature and not exceed 3 inches from the wall. Black and White Values only. (Emma)
2.) Forms must be attenuated, organic and soft to the touch. (Priscilla)
3.) Forms must be geometric in nature. Only blue materials may be used. (Zen)
4.) Entire space must be filled with a singular continuous form with a recognizable axis. (Annika)
5.) Use only string and pushpins/nails to create the form. Form must extend 6 inches out from the wall. (Sophia)
6.) Use metal only. (Aidan)
7.) Form must consist of at least 1 concave and 1 convex form. (Max)
8.) Form must have at least 10 voids or areas of negative space. Only plastic may be used. (Yule)
9.) Form must be amorphous and protrude (via cantilever) from the wall 6 feet at minimum. (Talia)
10.) Materials used must be disparate and come together within the form to create Harmony. (Alli)
11.) Use only found objects. Sculpture must balance without adhesive or joints. (Leanne)
12.) Form must be representational. Materials used must be translucent. (Sarah)
13.) Design of form must be radial in nature. Only paper may be used. (Laura)
14.) Form must have 2 competing dominant forms and 3 subordinate forms. (Sheri)
Site Specific Sculpture - Final Project
Review the Rubric for the site specific project in the carousel above and review the Powerpoint Slides Below. Read the article/explore the Guggenheim webpage about Site-specific artworks (choose a few artists to read about) and watch the three short videos below to help begin your brain storming process. Email preliminary Sketches/rough maquette for upload by Monday night (April 20th) for online review/critique on Tuesday the 21st.
Sketches and Maquette are due the 21st of April.
Final Project is due the 12th of May.