As I go through daily life, experiencing the "day to day”, I log, categorize, and remember specific sensory impressions. Experiences and encounters that create a space to pause, to shift my focus from the things I think I know to the questions left unanswered. Material memory builds up, layers upon itself, and weaves an intricate network of cognitive recollection. In every stitch and every woven strand lies the potential energy to turn the act of knowing into the act of being. To “know” is to draw a line—To “be” is to sculpt a line.
A strong connection lies between the individual layering of sensory impression and universal communal memory. As a human person I am forever in a state of becoming; a state of perpetuation. I attempt to connect as a singular member of a larger whole, participating in the communal act of recreating, reforming, and remembering the intent for which I was made.
Whether it is within myself or without, I have found these things to be true:
Creation is not an act that can be started and completed.
Creation is an act of continuing.
It is always.
It is ever.
This work represents my way of continuing. My way of gathering and perpetuating, searching and tethering. A form of connecting, of bringing about, of participating in the active waiting process of transformation. Trying to make sense of paradox. Bringing to light those tensions that are present within my own being. Remembering the intent for which I was made and beginning to make sense of a life lived in the either/and not just the either/or.